
Streets and paths are mostly made with asphalt. Asphalting streets makes them more flexible and less vulnerable than other road construction materials .Using asphalt decrease noise pollution and it is more affordable. Durability of asphalt road is high and they are completely recyclable. Asphalt is not only used for road surface, but also it is a very important material for building road infrastructure.


Bitumen properties give chance to architects, structural engineers and planners to rebuild the world. For making waterproof roofs and any other instructions like that, we can use bitumen because it’s membrane is flexible and waterproof. We can use its natural adhesion feature in gluing all kinds of layers together and due to natural flexibility of bitumen; we should not worry about tearing the layers. The bitumen membrane remains flexible and sticky for a long time. So, research has shown that the service life of bitumen structures is between 25 and 30 years.


This excellent material is always available and recyclable. It is used in many places and structures but we just see streets asphalt and house roofing. Bitumen is used in heavy structures due to its adhesive properties. Also, bitumen is used in places where insulation is necessary due to weather conditions. Bitumen membranes are widely used in the automotive industry to make sound-absorbing panels.