Bitumen Penetration Grade 10/20

Geflow is a leading LLC corporation headquartered in Georgia that is actively engaged in the sourcing, distribution, and export of different grades of oxidized asphalt and penetration bitumen, such as bitumen 60/70, bitumen 80/100, bitumen 40/50, bitumen 160/220, and bitumen 10/20, which are suitable for road and waterproofing.

Bitumen Penetration Grade 10/20 General Properties

Bitumen penetration grade 10/20 or Asphalt 10/20 is a hard penetration grade bitumen that is used as a pavement grade bitumen for road works, as well as the preparation of asphalt pavements that meet certain industry standards. This tar is primarily utilized in the production of hot mix asphalt bases and wearing courses.

Bitumen Penetration Grade 10/20 Softening Point and Penetration

Pub-ltd Bitumen provides bitumen penetration grade 10/20 that has been refined from petroleum. Furthermore, it is made from a vacuum bottom by flowing hot air. This grade is made from the residue of crude oil after it is cracked and the hydrocarbons are removed. The penetration of asphalt 10/20 is 10~20 deci-millimeters and its softening point is 58 to 66 degrees Celsius. The thermoplastic feature of penetration grade bitumen 10/20 is similar to that of synthetic resin material in that it softens when it is heated and solidifies once it is cooled. In comparison to other grades, asphalt 10/20 has a fairly high viscosity.

Bitumen 10/20 Uses in Modern Asphalt

This grade is primarily used in hot mix asphalt factories. It is used for foundations and wearing courses. Bitumen 10/20 saves money in the long run since it enables thinner asphalt pavements. Moreover, it consumes up to 30% less asphalt than standard designs and virtually guarantees that the pavement lasts longer.